Digital marketing for technology

Digital Marketing

For Tech Companies


Being a Cambridge based marketing company means we mingle with inspiring start-ups and global tech giants.

An issue we see again and again is that when you’re immersed in this cutting edge technology, it’s hard to step back and express your ideas clearly and simply. We can help.

What we offer

Strategy | Analysis, strategic planning and monthly consultancy support.

Copywriting | Translating complex subjects into clear, convincing copy.

Social media | Paid campaigns to hit the right audiences, drive traffic and get you a return.

Training | Upskill your team in writing for the web, social media, video production and more.

Video | Highly shareable explainers, product demos and founder stories.

Podcasting | Build a loyal community through shared expertise.

SEO | Keyword research, site audits and SEO copy, coupled with effective Google Ad campaigns.

Who have we worked with?

BAE Applied Intelligence and DSTL | Website copy and content consultancy on the Data Science Challenge, a competition focused on attracting data scientists

Turbostream, Cambridge Enterprise, Cambridge Intelligence | Website copywriting

Drinkaware | App copywriting

The Entrepreneurs | Script for a graphic novel offering advice to startups

OpenIOLabs | Copywriting, social media, design

Techfugees | Blogging, content consultancy | See the case study

Legalesign | Digital strategy

Toshiba Europe | Social media, copywriting, blogging, events. In partnership with Clerkswell

Plextek | Video, copywriting training

Capsule CRM | Social media strategy

Riverlane | Video

Checkit | Video, case studies, strategy, social media management, blogs, eBooks

Cambridge Spark | Article writing

Cambridge Wireless | Social media webinars (and regular attendance at tech events)

Internet Watch Foundation | Podcast marketing, press kit

Colorscape app | Social media strategy, Instagram and Facebook management, book cover design

Databoxer | Digital marketing strategy, social media management

Elektron Eye Technology | Whitepapers, social media, email marketing

Listen and learn

Our Director, Sue Keogh, hosts The Business of Cambridge on Cambridge 105 Radio. Do have a listen to the show How to innovate, featuring Cambridge Consultants and Simprints.

We also write regularly about tech-related subjects on the Sookio blog. Have a read!

Your next steps

Need expert digital marketing support on your next project? Talk to the Sookio team now.


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